It has become abundantly clear that Steve Hays thinks he can appeal to completely unverifiable and undefinable concepts in a debate over Theology Proper. When I accuse him of worshiping three gods, he simply appeals to anthropomorphic tri-theism and thus over-rules any inquiry into his view by falling back on the unverifiability and undefinability  of his words.  He claims that eternal generation cannot be true because it is a metaphor. I ask him what he means by metaphor and he simply cops out by saying that the Bible does not define metaphor. Thus any dialogue with this man is a waste of time. I went to great trouble to read through his Trinitarian writings. I spent over a month reading through all of his material and writinging a summary of his debates with Dale Tuggy. The man has not dealt with even a fraction of my material. I appreciate that he had the guts to allow these issues to be placed before his blog forum publicly, but his replies were terribly unconvincing, vague and dismissive. I have much bigger issues to deal with right now. I have no more time for Steve’s games.