Rev. 17: 15 And he *said to me, “The waters which you saw where the harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire.17 For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose by having a common purpose, and by giving their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God will be fulfilled. 18 The woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.”

Romanism a Menace to the Nations (1912) by Jeremiah Crowley (Ex-Roman Catholic Priest ), pg. 207:

“Romanism is not a religion: Romanism is first and last political. According to the most trustworthy statistics, eighty million followers have left the Roman Catholic Church during the past seventy-five years. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy has been exposed and dethroned by the despoiled Catholic people in Italy, France and Portugal. It is being exposed and dethroned by the Catholic people in Spain, Austria, Belgium, Poland, Ireland and other so-called Catholic countries, where it is trembling, tottering, failing.

Strange as it may seem to the casual observer, it is true, nevertheless, that in many Catholic countries the papal policy of power and pelf has been repudiated as a curse by the Catholic people and their representatives, while in non-Catholic countries the papal policy is embraced for the graft that is in it, by non-Catholic politicians elected to office by the credulous non-Catholic people: and this is especially true in the English-speaking countries-England-Canada and the United States. These unscrupulous politicians, high and low, are only too wiling to serve the pope in his ungodly efforts to regain temporal power.”

Crowley did not say that the foreign policy of the United States is to be lead in the 20th Century by Corporate Interests seeking the takeover of all solvent currency.  He did not say that it was lead by Jewish interests. He did not say that it would be lead by a Christian desire for theocracy (because Romanism is not a religion it is a political powerhouse). Crowley said that the foreign policy of the United States would be lead by the Papacy to regain its temporal power that was taken from it by the Protestant Reformation. International Banking, currency, Jewish Bankers, and religion are definitely involved but the end game is clear: Turning the wealth of the  United States of America into a Military Industrial Complex through theft by the Federal Reserve Bank, its IRS crony Chicken-hawks, and its diabolical Central Intelligence Agency (The Secret Deposing Power of the Pope), to depose all traditional governments and religions and replace them with an international government which is controlled in secret by the Jesuits and the Vatican but will in the end be openly controlled by that man of sin and lawlessness: The Pope. But seeing that the Pope and his Jesuit minions were behind this world empire all along that same international empire (The United nations or one of its successors, i.e. the Beast) will rise up against the Papacy and Destroy it. At this point, the Seventh Vial will be poured out upon the Papacy and Islam and the Millennium of Postmillennialism will be ushered in.