Before I begin I would like to anticipate some objections and accusations as to clear the path.

1. If you are a typical anti-white, pro-American Communist (An advocate of universal equality), let me assure you that I used to think just like you. I was raised an atheist in the public school system. My cultural upbringing was rooted in Eazy-E, Too-Short, and the Geto Boys. My High School years were formed by the Wu-Tang Clan. I bought the anti-Christian, anti-European propaganda hook, line and sinker. I was convinced that my white Christian ancestors in the South were evil monsters and thus any identification with them was rejected.

Even after my conversion into Christianity at the age of about 20, I still maintained the idea that God cares nothing about race, or heritage. Having been brainwashed by Jesuit Dispensationalism and still clinging to my Hollywood programming, I considered any white man with a care for his heritage and race an ignorant back-woods redneck. Thus any and all forms of multi-culturalism were to be sought.

The positions I have now espoused are results of my own personal life study and experience.

2. I don’t hate black people. On the contrary, I am very friendly with black people and have been greatly exhorted by the godly moral lifestyles of black men I have worked with in the past and present. I make a distinction between the Majority Savage Blacks and the Minority Civil Blacks.

3. My position on race does not concern how individual people get along. People of different cultures can get along fine as individuals.  The concerns I have are not about individuals but  group dynamics.

4. I am not advocating Pre-Civil Rights Era Segregation. I am advocating Nationalism for both Blacks and Whites. I am advocating that a portion of the United States be reserved for the re-establishment of the American Blacks.[1]  This removes the ability of white men to discriminate against black men. Do you have no pride black man? Do you really think you need the white man to succeed? This system is designed to fail. It is designed to destroy both your people and my people, the Southern Protestant. That has been the design the whole time.  Thomas Jefferson says in Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XIV,  (1787)

“It will probably be asked, Why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the state, and thus save the expense of supplying, by importation of white settlers, the vacancies they will leave? Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions, which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race. – To these objections, which are political, may be added others, which are physical and moral.”[2]

This government has known for a long time that the integration policy was not going to work. You see, the Jesuits are masters of class conflict. They have been kicked out of 83 Countries for fomenting wars. Did you know that?[3]

5. I admit that the United States Conspiracy is not only against White Protestantism. This government has tried to exterminate the blacks on numerous occasions and has played a vital role in the destruction of their communities.

The following will rely on a revealed view of history as described in the Bible and will not allow any Scientific Method to determine the meaning and direction of History. I have already refuted the Empirical method and shown the entire Scientific method to be formally fallacious, providing quotes from Secular Educators themselves to this effect.[4] Thus, my appeals to History will be from actual written records instead of appeals to DNA or Genetic History. Among many records, I will primarily rely on the great Historian John Clark Ridpath for History before the 20th Century. Ridpath was not a Christian but a Darwinist. However, Rome had not yet fully grasped our educational establishment and he exposed the history of Roman Catholic tyranny with great skill in his many volumes.

This discourse will be organized according to chronological flow. It will demonstrate that the Jesuit order of the Roman Catholic Church has used and is still using the Blacks from Africa to perpetrate race war against their political enemies, primarily the White-Anglo Protestants (WASPs).[5] Though the Luciferian Jesuits have had and still have Catholic enemies within their own Churches, the Hierarchy of the Roman Church obeys these men with fear. The Jesuits will be shown to have been the fountain of the Illuminati and the French Revolution pursuant unto the downfall of all ancient and traditional governments, religions and ways of life, pursuant to the demoralization and denationalization (Which requires integration and miscegenation) of all peoples to dissolve their National Governments into an International Government headed by the Vatican and its Jesuit order completing their Counter Reformation and the Re-establishment of the Holy Roman Empire.

The Chicago Tribune, May 5, 1903.


Standing the Only Man Among 800 Women, the Archbishop Declares He Has Been Deeply Impressed by the Progressive Spirit of the West Forecasts the Time When the Religion He Represents Will Lead the World.

“Since I have seen the western parochial schools I have come to the conclusion that in fifty years, if things go on as I see, they are going on at present, the Catholic Church will actually own the west.”

Such was the optimistic declaration of Archbishop Quigley last night before the Children of Mary sodality at the Holy Name parish school, Chicago avenue and Cass street. The occasion was a reception given to the Archbishop by the members of the sodality, and the prelate was the only man in a gathering of 800 women.

“Within twenty years this country is going to rule the world. Kings and emperors will soon pass away, and the democracy of the United States will take their place. The  west will dominate the country, and what I have seen of the western parochial schools has proved that the generation which follows us will be exclusively Catholic. When the United States rules the world the Catholic Church will rule the world.”[6]

There is no option for America. In order to survive, the South MUST rise again.

I am going to organize my Anti-WASP Race War page to correlate with this new series.

[4]; See also See my Systematic Theology, Chapter 1. Section 1. I.iii; Chapter 1. Section 1. II.; Chapter 1, Section 2. I; Chapter 1, Section 2. III.III:

[6] Jeremiah Crowley, Romanism a Menace to the Nation, 573; I obtained a copy of this edition of the original article from the Chicago Tribune through the Public Libraries of Louisville, KY and Chicago, IL: I have provided the image in a pdf document here: